I'm thanking you, God, from a full heart, I'm writing the book on your wonders. I'm whistling, laughing, and jumping for joy; I'm singing your song, High God. Psalm 9:1 (MSG)

Join the Laughter!

Thanks for joining our family blog! We hope that you are laughing and enjoying this life that God has given you.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Start of something new!

You're looking LIVE at the latest blog entry to the Massey Blog Spot...spot. I'm your host, Mark Massey, head of the Massey Bunch (probably a figure head, but I'll take whatever I can get!).

We took the plunge this Christmas and used Noelle's bonus to purchase a laptop computer! OOOOOOO!! We're SMOKIN'!! I can enter the 'blog world' much more conveniently now that I can take the computer wherever I may be. I'll be filing blogs from all over the house, probably even the bathroom (I'll try not to let that information get out, as Noelle would probably ban me from using the machine for a while!).
We've had this laptop for all of 8 days now, and I've spent about 20 of them on the phone with Dell trying to get the *&^$%*& wireless mouse properly connected! It seems to be working properly now, just a BIOS problem, which, if I'm not mistaken, is part of the brains of the computer. So the brain wasn't functioning properly. THAT'S encouraging. But, hey, it's a refurb we got for a great price, I've got a 2 year warranty on the equipment, so I shouldn't complain much.

I look forward to having more time to post thoughts, questions, observations, and possibly some writings. On occasion an extended thought will hit me regarding some aspect of life and an article, for lack of a better term, will spit itself out of my fingertips into Microsoft Word. Then I post or send it out for more people to see so, if nothing else, they'll realize just how much their life DOESN'T suck, since they're obviously handling it better than me! That's probably what I should title my 'columns'...How Much Better You're Doing Than You Think You Are!

Anyway, I'll call it quits for the time being. Gotta go help put the kids down and spend some time with Noelle! She's probably getting a bit jealous of the Dell techs in the Philippines that I've spent most of my evenings with of late!

Laugh and enjoy the journey, people...it what keeps us sane!

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