I'm thanking you, God, from a full heart, I'm writing the book on your wonders. I'm whistling, laughing, and jumping for joy; I'm singing your song, High God. Psalm 9:1 (MSG)

Join the Laughter!

Thanks for joining our family blog! We hope that you are laughing and enjoying this life that God has given you.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Catching Up

So much has happened since our last post. I've been on my husband to post something new and he is working on it but thought I would catch us up...

After graduation we took the family to Destin, Florida for vacation. Our last family vacation with Reese in the house under our household umbrella. We had a great week together and faced some interesting challenges while there. Being raised on the west coast with waves you can surf and water you can't see through I found it a bit boring but relaxing and thought that the 'beautiful crystal clear water' that everyone talks about wasn't so great...you can see what's floating in there! I would rather be oblivious. Mark and I had booked a catamaran cruise for our family and were looking forward to it with the kids. We were promised dolphin sightings and snorkeling and beach time but were stuck on the boat for three hours in the hot, hot sun because the jelly fish were so thick and the captain didn't want to let us into the water. Sigh...we'll talk about that memory forever! Not the least of the things that went wrong was that I brought home sand mites and broke out in small bumps all up and down my arms. What!?!?! Sand mites?!?!? I have never heard of such a thing!

With all of that said, here's what went right. We spent a good amount of time in the car together as we always do when we travel. The kids played games and joked around and chatted. They always seem to get along better when we travel. I love to listen to them laugh! Such a wonderful sound. We had a wonderful day at the beach with Mark's sister, Helen and her girls, Abbey and Summer and with Mark's brother, Matt. We played volleyball on the beach. We learned that the smaller the jelly fish the smaller the sting (but still a sting!). We built sand castles with motes. We buried Mark in the sand. Mark and Reese got to eat very fresh seafood. I read on the beach with my feet in the warm sand. We ate dinner on a covered patio at the beach while it stormed all around us (Mark was a very happy man!) We talked, we laughed we relaxed (as ordered by Reese who is tired of vacations that make him tired! Thank you, Reese, for demanding us to slow down). And, true to form, Mark always has a stop planned for our trip home so we can see a little something extra. This time, New Orleans. We stopped and had Beignets at Cafe' Du Monde. YUM!

After we returned from our vacation we busied ourselves getting Reese ready to leave for basic training. On July 28th we dropped him off and said good-bye for 6 whole weeks! The house is quiet without him...well, I should say, quiet-ER...not quiet. After a long six weeks we finally made our trip to San Antonio to his graduation from basic training. He is now an Airman in the United States Aif Force and is completling his technical training in Wichita Falls after 7 weeks in Biloxi Mississippi. We are so glad he is going to be in Texas for a while! He is close enough to home that he can come and visit on the weekends! We are so very proud of him!

School started in August and we were off! Drake decided to join the band and he is learning how to play the clarinet. He's enjoying middle school and is doing very well. McKenna started her year in the thick of football season by way of the marching band. She is a proud member of the Sachse Mustang Marching Band's Colorguard. We have spent the last few months doing new and exciting things as band parents! Football halftime shows, marching contests and band booster club! I'll have to see if I can post their show...it's great and she's great! I think she's found a niche! We are looking forward to next year!

Another major announcement in our lives is that Reese is getting married! He and Melanie have set a date for June 20, 2009. Our lives have quickly been taken over by wedding plans. I am thankful that Reese has found Melanie. She is a wonderful young woman who loves God and loves Reese. I see it in her eyes everytime she looks at him or mentions his name. I can't thank God enough for her. Reese will be loved very well for the rest of his life.

Stay tuned for more of Mark's posts. We'll try not to leave so much time between...with so much going on I'm sure we'll have much to fill you in on!


Unknown said...

Wow. I knew y'all had been busy, but seeing all the events of the past few months laid out on one page...it just makes it seem a LOT busier than I realized.

I'm so glad that things are looking up for you guys.

And I will keep y'all in my prayers that God will continue to bless you :)

Anonymous said...

i loved seeing the whole Massey Family story in one setting. the pictures were great! Congradulations on a new family member coming aboard the Massey soon in the future. I am sure they think its an enternity away till June 20th 2008! you have a very good looking family. Now i am hinting to Brian we need to update our family website.

Anonymous said...

Great to hear from you and to see what is new with your family. I have moved to Hillsboro Tx. (I know-Why there? It's a GOD Deal) My new address is 101 A Old Brandon Rd.HillsboroTx76645. Hope to hear from you.
Jan and Abbie