I'm thanking you, God, from a full heart, I'm writing the book on your wonders. I'm whistling, laughing, and jumping for joy; I'm singing your song, High God. Psalm 9:1 (MSG)

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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Reese in a wreck!

As most of you are probably aware, Reese was in a one-car accident Monday. He's bruised and sore, but God protected His child and we are obviously very grateful. He's recovering nicely, as the 'worst' injury he had was some cuts on his left hand and arm.
According to Reese and the police, after he lost control of the car on a wet, tight curve, it wound up rolling 2 1/2 times, landing upside down. He crawled out the driver's window, where a local resident told him to sit down. An ambulance was called, and they put him in a neck collar and took him to the hospital for precautionary scans and xrays. Noelle and I beat the ambulance there (in itself rather wierd), and after a couple of hours, took him home.
Today (Tuesday) I went to see the car where it had been towed. I was in stunned silence. It was more beat up than I imagined it would have been, and anyone looking at it would have questioned whether anyone would have walked away from it. God obviously has plans for this boy, and I hope He also has his full attention!

Quickly, this thought struck me as we were in the hospital with Reese. Nothing else matters! If you're a parent, you understand this. If your kid is hurt, or in great danger, or is fighting for their life, nothing else matters. Not the job. Not any body. Not being anywhere else. Not money.
Nothing. Else. Matters.

It's amazing how a situation like this will re-prioritize your life. When it comes to your kid...
Nothing else matters!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mark, Noelle, Verla - I thank God for protecting Reese. It is a car or a van - you can't really tell by how beat up it is. I praise Him with you for this miracle.
